Saturday 18 October 2008

ukPoetryPodcast episode 51

wooo! Nearly there, episode 52 will mark a full years worth of programming - although the show has been running for eighteen months now, I went through a name change after a dozen episodes, and adopted the new name, in October last year.

I'm really happy with what I've done, with the poets I've interviewed, and of course, with you , dear audience!

I've been keeping a little something in reserve for the anniversary show, and by quirk of fate, it also happens to be the last show I can do 'live' so to speak, prior to my wedding.

What I will do next weekend is post three shows, all dated for the weeks they should be coming out, and with three special guests. Award winners, one of them, household names, some of them, and fantastic poets, all of them.

I'm really looking forward to the next few episodes, so tune in for Tim Turnbull, Lemn Sissay and John Hegley and help me celebrate a years worth of podcasts

More from Speechless tour


Have a read about what the poets have been up to this week following the podcast

Saturday 4 October 2008

well earned break

today is the last day I'll be doing interviews for the next six weeks. My wedding is rapidly approaching and I need some time to prepare !

Today I'm squeezing in three poets Alan Buckley, Agnes Meadowes and Phillip Herbert which should keep me out of trouble!