Monday, 5 January 2009

The Twelve Days of Christmas

... my true love gave to me....

OK, day twelve, and christmas is officially over, as is my podcasting extravaganza - I posted twelve podcasts, one for every day of the season - three months worth of material crammed into just less than two weeks.

We have had poetry from Ingrid Andrew, Helen Gregory, AF Harrold, Aoife Mannix, Richard Rathwell, Shakespeare (or at least Audery West and the cast of her play The Dark Lady Speaks), Simon Freedman, Richard Tyrone Jones, Jeffa Kay, Rose McKnight, Naomi Woddis and John 'Jazzman' Clarke.

I'd like to thank all of those who've taken part in the show, provided material, or time to make this whole thing possible - it is very much appreciated.

Having a splurge like this helps me out too - I've been a bit gung-ho with organising my interviews, and have built up an enormous stockpile of material, which means there is a long gap between recording an interview and that interview airing - which isn't fair on the artist, to have to wait, in the case of the above poets, Helen Gregory was interviewed at the Glastonbury Festival, July 21st 2008, and the interview aired at the end of December 2008 - a six month backlog.

Having got out three months of material, I've managed to reduce that gap down to a five month backlog - still not perfect, but it has inspired me to do something similar for the 2nd birthday of the podcast, which is coming up in March.

More news when I have it.

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