Sunday, 22 June 2008

Episode 36

This weeks episode has poetry and an interview with Rhian Edwards, who treats us to three of her poems, with generous preamble and explanation of her thoughts and where she is coming from with her work. As for her interview, I have to admit to editing a large swath of her thoughts to fit into my thirty minute schedule, at least fifteen minutes of her thoughts. Maybe I should think of some sort of DVD extras, additional commentaries and the like!

The quality of the recording also pleases me - the first interview with the settings set correctly on the dictaphone, and in a sensible location,

I have an arrangement with the Poetry Library and the South Bank Centre, which in return for copies of the show to go in their Permanent Collection, I have permission to record in any of the public areas of the South Bank Centre - so far I've been able to find a quiet bar on a Saturday morning to do so. Rhian's interview was the first, and I have eight more interviews recorded, and eight more planned for the next few months.

I could still do with more submissions of poetry - anyone with any recordings please let me know, I'd be more than happy to host your work on the podcast.


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